Romania Follow Up

On November 7, 2023, in Iasi, Romania, our organization (ACSFJC) together with all the youth workers that participated in the CREATION project organized a follow-up event where 23 youth workers from the local community were invited.
The purpose of the workshop was to inform the youth workers about the Erasmus+ program, about the project's learnings, experiences and about the impact of cyberbullying on youth lives. We decided to focus on the topic of cyberbullying, as it was a topic we approached during the mobility, and we created several materials that helped us in promotion, such as videos, banners, and a small website with main information about the issue.

The participants have been happy to find out new information and got in touch with us after the event to continue the collaboration on combating cyberbullying. As a result of the follow-up event, our team was invited to a school to talk about the risk and negative impact of cyberbullying, where we hope to be able to go as soon as possible.

Online Dissemination Links for dissemination of the project

Sebastian Birzu



Diana Birzu



Alin Cupet



Bianca Leonte



Hilitanu Eddy


VIDEO of the project: 

What our participants told us about the experience 

Sebastian Birzu: The experience within the CreAction project in Cyprus was truly captivating and full of learning opportunities. It's wonderful to discover interactive workshops focused on results, especially when the impact is felt in the community. The fact that you had the chance to be an anti-bullying ambassador adds a special touch to this experience.

Diana Birzu: The CREACTION project in Cyprus helped me get to know myself better through the activities I practiced. The group activities were engaging, interactive, and sometimes full of emotions. Thanks for the opportunity.

Alin Cupet: The experience in Cyprus was amazing from the point of view of a country with unprecedented beauty. But it is still a deep experience when we refer to the subject of the project.

Bianca Leonte: I am very grateful that I participated in this project because I made new friendships and learned a lot, not only about bullying but also about myself. I met wonderful people and I want to thank Acpelia for this unique opportunity.

Project Name: CREating with ACt and arTs a safe envIronment in Our ceNters CREACTION

Duration: From 1st of March 2023 till 29th of February 2024 (12 months)

Activity: Training of 36 youth workers (9 organisations, 4 youth workers from each organization, 4 stakeholders) about how to empower educators to become anti-bullying ambassadors in order to prevent and handle cases of bullying in youth centers.

Activity dates: 21 to 30 of October 2023

Activity Venue: Hylatio Tourist Village, Pissouri, Limassol, Cyprus

Applicant Organisation: Active Cypriot Programs and European Learning Into Acceptance, ACPELIA, email:

Coordinator: Nikolas Nikolaou email:;

Trainers: Erma Georgiou,  Dimitrios Morfis.

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